2010年1月2日 星期六




2007年第一屆旅歐台灣青年學者年會 (2007 Annual Conference of Taiwanese Young Scholars in Europe)

Conference Date: 6th (Saturay) ~ 7th (Sunday) October 2007

會議地點:比利時荷語魯汶大學(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Conference Location: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (MAP)


台灣青年學者於歐洲各大學及研究機構研究的人數日漸增加,研究領域廣泛包括社會科學、人文、藝術、法律、都市、建築以及其他,研究成果亦日趨顯著。欲增進 旅歐台灣青年學者的學術交流,將在2007/10/6~7於比利時魯汶舉辦「2007年第一屆旅歐台灣青年學者年會」。期望在年會的推波助瀾下,進一步提 高旅歐台灣青年學者研究成果的能見度,並促進旅歐台灣青年學者未來的持續交流與合作。研討會邀請對象為目前於歐洲各大學與研究機構的博士研究生、博士後研 究學者與訪問學者。本年會於今年第一次舉辦,以旅歐台灣青年學者的學術交流為主要目的,故無規劃特定討論議題,僅以區域的觀點規劃三個相關主題:「歐洲相 關主題」、「亞洲相關主題」與「歐亞關係相關主題」,歡迎從事社會科學、人文、藝術、法律、都市與建築研究等的旅歐台灣青年學者,其研究領域涉於上述三個 相關主題者,能踴躍提供論文並參與本屆年會。

Mission & Purpose

Recent years there are more and more Taiwanese young scholars who study in various universities and research institutions in Europe. Study areas of these young scholars have included social science, culture, art, legal, architecture and others; in the meantime, their studies have achieved significant importance. In order to improve the communication on the academia level among Taiwanese young scholars in Europe, the first Annual Conference of Taiwanese Young Scholars in Europe will be held on 6th and 7th October 2007 at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.

(For further details please contact TYSE tyse2007@yahoo.com.tw)


1. 歐洲相關主題
2. 亞洲相關主題
3. 歐亞關係相關主題


1. 論文主題與摘要分別以中英文書寫,摘要字數為500字以內,並附上作者姓名、研究單位、通訊地址、電話與電子信箱,於2007/07/01前寄至tyse2007@yahoo.com.tw 信箱。摘要格式請參考「Abstract-Template」附加檔案。

2. 論文內容以英文或中文書寫,字數為5000~8000字,總頁數請勿超過10頁,並於2007/09/01前寄至tyse2007@yahoo.com.tw信箱。全篇論文格式請參考「Full-Paper-Template」附加檔案。

3. 每位與會學者將提供20分鐘以內的簡報,並進行10分鐘的討論,大會並將依研究領域安排各與會學者進行論文互評,互評的論文將於2007/09/15前分別寄至各與會學者的電子信箱。




比利時荷語魯汶大學(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)台灣學生
荷蘭萊頓大學(Universiteit Leiden)台灣博士生學社

若有任何疑問,歡迎寄電子郵件至 tyse2007@yahoo.com.tw 信箱。













10/7/2007 9:43:42 AM

本文網址: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/7/10/7/n1859165.htm



2007 年歐洲台灣青年學者人文社會學會第一屆年會文章摘要

Re-building Locality / Community by Food

CHEN, Yu-Jen 陳玉箴

Institute of Sinology; Institute of African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), Leiden University, NL.

Taiwan has witnessed a proliferation of "local food" since the late 1990s, particularly after year 2000. The paper deals with the question: why the proliferation occurred? Is it the "revival of local culture" against industrialization and globalization, echoing the case of Europe? Focusing on the definition of "local food", the paper first investigates the regulations on "local food" of the European Union, and then examines those policies contributing to the booming food festivals in Taiwan in the late 1990s, exploring the notions of "local food" implicitly expressed in these policies. Through the comparison, the paper shows how the policy of "community-construction" fostered the emergence of "local food" in Taiwan, and how different policies of two cases lead to the differences in definitions and political significance of "local food". Although the promotion of "local food" in Taiwan is adopted as an important way to empower the "local", however, such empowerment in Taiwan is more a process of "political community-building" rather than the "revival of local culture against globalization." In sum, the paper argues that the role of "state" deserves further research beyond the binary of local and global in discerning the emergence of local food.

local food, community construction, food festival


Household Registration Systems and Application in Historical Demography: the Netherlands and Taiwan during the Pre-industrialization Period

LIN, Chia-Chi 林嘉琪

Department of History, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL.

Household registers are an important historical material which reflects the phenomena of a population in a given period and society. In modern demographic research, digital census data is convenient and rich for quantification analysis. To historical demographic research, records of population are also a valuable source, although they are in paper documents. Fortunately, researchers in the Netherlands and Taiwan have computerized the paper household registers in pre-industrial era to digital databases. The purpose of this article is to explain what the household registers in the Netherlands and Taiwan are and how we can use these sources for historical demographic research.
Both the household registration system in Taiwan and the Netherlands were introduced by foreign power. The household registration system was introduced into the islands of Taiwan by the Japanese colonial government in 1896. The Japanese household registers contain the following information: household address, household opening date, household opening type, household members, physical characters of each member (e.g. blind, foot binding), personal information (e.g. parents’ names, the same sex sibling order), the relationship with the head of household, personal events and the event dates. The Dutch household registration system was the maintenance of the French civil law, so-called the Code Napoléon. The Code Napoléon regulated the recording in the certificates of birth, marriage and death. The personal information kept by these certificates is almost the same as that in the Japanese household registers. Therefore, the household registration data in Taiwan and in the Netherlands are two comparable digital data sets in historical demography research.

Household registration system; Historical demography; Eurasia society


「地方性」追求下的「殖民遺產」; Colonial is Local?— the Colonial "Heritage" under the Pursuit of Locality in Taiwan

CHIANG, Min-Chin 江明親

Department of Archeology, Leiden University, NL.

自 一九九0年代起,「地方性」的追求與國族認同和地方政治相互糾結,呈現在地方文化產業的蓬勃發展上。以博物館及文化資產為中心的地方觀光及地域發展規劃, 成為許多地方政府的核心文化政策。而過去在國族政治意識形態下被刻意忽略或改變甚至去除的殖民時期遺址,反而成為地方記憶和地方特色的承載體,其修復再利 用與指定等案例,逐漸成為文化資產界的重要議題之一。
然而,「殖民遺址」作為「文化資產」有其緊張性。殖民統治者或者政權受益者所興築擁有的建 物,在台灣特殊的政治歷史背景下,多與大部分的在地居民無直接關聯性,認定為文化資產而加以詮釋保存的過程中,往往發現當強調其為在地記憶及在地特色的承 載體時,現居民對其卻無直接生活記憶和地方感的強烈矛盾性。



The Economic Anthropology of Child Labour

HUANG, Pei-Ling 黃珮玲

Department of Anthropology, Catholic University Leuven, BE.

Child labour has been a public issue since the Industrial Revolution. Nowadays child labour still prevails in developing countries, especially in the agricultural sector. In this article, we try to delve deeper into our understanding of child labour- its causality, and remedies.
It has long been argued that parental poverty makes child labour unavoidable. Though poverty is the main reason of child labour, other contributing factors, such as the structure of production in a country, discrimination, insecurity, and parental attitude, also need to be considered. We cannot rationalize child labour solely as an effect of poverty and think child labour will disappear naturally after economic growth. In fact, child labour is often the exact reason why a country cannot rise from its poverty. Child labour is self-reinforcing since children who enter the workforce maintain the low wage –levels for the whole workforce. Thus adults don’t have a sufficient income and continue to send their children to work instead of getting an education in the classroom. Without a proper education, these children cannot get decent jobs when grown up, and thus the vicious cycle is perpetuated from generation to generation.
The historical evidence suggests that we cannot deal with child labour on its own without taking the situation of the adults and culture into consideration. An increasing diversity of opinion concerning basicconcepts, such as causation and responses, has been formatted over the last decade. The diversity within the unity of fighting child labour, reflects the complexity of child labour as an issue and the need for worldwide comprehension and elastic remedies. A breakthrough could be in the making.

child labour, economic anthropology


La conscience malheureuse hégélienne chez Ricœur

SHEN, Ching-Kai 沈清楷

Institute Supérieur de Philosophie, Université Catholique de Louvain, BE.

La conscience malheureuse hégélienne caractérise l’homme fini face à l’infini. Elle naît du dédoublement de la conscience de soi et met entre parenthèses le monde pour se dualiser intérieurement. Elle atteint, au point ultime, le déchirement intérieur absolu. Par le processus de l’intériorisation des conflits dualistes, l’homme finit par se retrouver dans un abîme existentiel opaque. Partir de ce concept de la conscience malheureuse, comme le fait Jean Wahl dans les années 20, fut en France une alternative d’interprétation de l’oeuvre de Hegel, solide, face à la fameuse interprétation de Alexandre Kojève qui, pour sa part, appuyait sa vision de la pensée hégélienne sur la dialectique du maître et de l’esclave.
Si Ricœur ne prend jamais la conscience malheureuse comme fil rouge pour interpréter la pensée hégélienne, il nous semble que cependant, il se trouve maintes fois confronté à des questions dont elle est l’origine. En effet, de la notion du déchirure impossible au paradoxe du serf-arbitre en passant par le dialogue avec Kierkegaard et Jean Wahl, Ricœur se positionne petit à petit vis-à-vis de la thématique de la conscience malheureuse. Pour lui, il semble clair qu’il ne faut pas céder à la conscience malheureuse. Cependant, il ajoute que cette thématique de la conscience malheureuse éclaire une servitude aveugle qui est, a été et sera encore enfuie dans le coeur de l’homme.

la conscience malheureuse, l'Aufhebung, le serf-arbitre, le dédoublement de la conscience de soi, la dialectique fragmentaire.


Grotesque Realism: Marc Chagall’s Illustrations for Dead Souls

KUO, Shu-Hsuan 郭書瑄

Pallas Institute for Art Historical and Literary Studies, Leiden University, NL.

This essay is focused on Marc Chagall’s 96 illustrations for Dead Souls (1923-27), an epic novel by Nikolai Gogol. To link up these illustrations, Mikhail Bakhtin’s literary theory of “grotesque realism” asserted in his carnival aesthetics is largely adopted. It is deployed as four sections: section one indicates the relationship between word and image, and the form of polyphony displayed in the illustrated work. Based on previous notion, section two explains Gogol’s use of multi-narration and Chagall’s compositions of double-vision. The third section is divided into two parts, transformation and metaphor, which explore Gogol’s techniques of hyperbole and metaphor, as well as Chagall’s caricature styles such as pictorial hypallage, abstraction and uneven proportions. Last, section four emphasizes on the bodily desires implied in the work, so as to relate the scenes of feast and eroticism to carnival aesthetics.

Chagall, Gogol, Dead Souls, Grotesque Realism


Tectonics and Skeuomorphics: Hybrid Architectures in the Far East in the First Half of the 20th Century

WU, Nan-Wei吳南葳

Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University, UK.

Following the Meiji Restoration, Japan experienced a period of rapid westernization in which it sought to “catch up” – in industrial, military, economic and cultural terms – with European powers. A wide range of European expertise was imported to Japan, and Japanese nationals were given assignments in Europe to absorb more pratical experiences. Well-known examples of this process include the architect Josiah Conder and seismologist John Milne, both of whom worked in Japan, and the architect, Kingo Tatsuno was trained under William Burges in London between 1880 and 1883 before retuning to Japan.
Inevitably, this westernization had its effects on architecture in Japan. This paper examines some of the effects that occurred in architecture when western attitudes towards structure, tectonics and ornament came into contact with Japanese traditions. It explores how the two contrasting architectural cultures were reconciled and, more specifically, how the Japanese accepted western thinking and adjusted their architectural traditions. In particular, the question of what constitutes an authentic structure – usually covered and ornamented – in Japan at this time will be examined.
The reconciliation of this tradition with western architectonics will be explored through the adoption of brick-like tiles used on major public buildings in Tokyo. The paper will discuss some theoretical issues that these ornamented structures raise, and will argue that alternate “skeuomophic” logics are required to adequately understand such culturally and technically interweaved architectures.

tectonics, skeuomorph, Japanese westernization of architecture


Communicative Planning Revisited - Context, Rationality, and Critiques

LEE, Yi-Der 李怡德

Institute of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning, Catholic University of Leuven, BE.

Over the last two decades, there has been a proliferation of literature on communicative planning theory and practice. The “communicative turn” in planning theory can be interpreted as a response to the breakdown of rational planning paradigm, and part of theorists’ endeavor in searching for new directions in planning theory. The purpose of present paper is then to provide an introduction to the communicative approach to planning, including the path of context, the theoretical bases to communicative planning practices, and the critiques that the communicative planning has attracted since the later part of the 1990s. The paper outlines some of the key concepts underpinning communicative planning, and concludes with some unsolved-problems of communicative planning theory which remain as challenges for both planning theorists and practitioners.

communicative planning, collaborative planning, communicative rationality, power


The Application of Collaborative Planning - A Case Study of Hammarby Sjöstad

LIAO, Tze-Ling 廖姿琳

School of Architecture and Built Environment, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE.

The traditional urban planning process in Stockholm, Sweden was mainly adopted by top-down process; however, for new projects, are trying to adopt more bottom-up process which involves more public participation id est collaborative planning process.
As Hammarby Sjöstad, one of the largest urban development projects in Sweden and it is also world famous as an eco-system development project. This paper has chosen the first part of the project area: Sickla Udde as research area to discuss that in what extent the project adopts the process of collaborative planning and to build up their consensus.
After going through its participators, especially "The Project Team" which plays an important role within the whole communication processes especially within the process of Environmental Management in Sickla Udde, I propose that understandable it is impossible to reach the theoretical consensus; hence in some extent, the collaboration within partnership stakeholders in the project is working successfully. The Project Team works as a “neutral” and professional role in facilitating complex knowledge-building and problem-structuring processes. However, exclusion the public participation from the very beginning can been seen as a drawback. Conversely the project still keeps the traditional approaches; it has led to some procedural goal conflicts.

Collaborative Planning, Communicative Planning, Hammarby Sjöstad, Bottom-Up, Top-Down


From the Privileged Frontier Trade System to an Autonomous Logistical Network: the Rise of Cheng Clans in the Changchou Bay (1640-1650)

CHENG, Wei-Chung 鄭維中

Department of History, Leiden University, NL.

In 1567 the Chinese Ming Empire introduced a crucial reformation over its maritime policy. The Changchou bay(漳州灣)in Fukien province became the only privileged harbour where Chinese merchants were allowed sailing legally to foreign harbours. Although the Ming court discouraged its subjects to establish oversea settlements, in reality the overseas Chinese communities grew since the trade revenues were lucrative in Japan and Philippines where silvers were exported to China and other places. Not only the enlargement of the overseas communities were not expected by the Ming court but also the regional economical integration tendency in which Chekiang, Fukien and Quanton provinces clustered together by coastal traffics. When the overseas Chinese settlements served as bases for pirates, coastal peace of China became problematic. Being lack of powerful vessels to pacify Chinese pirates, the Ming court recruited leaders of overseas Chinese communities to coastal guard during 1620s. As one of the overseas Chinese leaders Cheng Chilung obtained his official power through this channel and reached to his career’s zenith during 1630s. To conciliate the Chinese traditional xenophobic policy and the Dutch ‘s desire of free trade, he kept Dutch merchants at Taiwan outside the boundary of Empire while promised to provide them sufficient commodities. The Tartar invasion terminated the Ming court and the authority of Cheng Chilung; hence the coast was opened to Chekiang and Quanton merchants since 1644. The Cheng clans as representatives of Changchou bay merchants, collected enormous amount of gold from refugees by trading them with rice since it was imported from east part of Quanton province under their control. Exploiting this gold they obtained sufficient tropical goods from the Dutch factory in Taiwan, by which they secured their purchase of silks in Chekiang province after 1646. The monopoly status of Changchou bay merchants was therefore re-affirmed without any legal privilege granted by the Emperor since 1650. During this process the Fukienese merchants transformed the traditional privileged frontier trade system into an autonomous logistical system supporting their forces against the new Tartar (Ching) Emperor.

Changchou bay, privileged harbour, Fukienese merchants, overseas Chinese, Cheng Chilung


The Restrictions on the Sixth Freedom Traffic in National Air Law

HUANG, Chih-Cheng 黃至正

International Institute of Air and Space Law, School of Law, Leiden University, NL.

The first time the sixth freedom traffic received attention was the conclusion of the USA-USSR bilateral air agreement in 1966. So far, the operation of the sixth freedom in civil air transportation has becoming one of the most important approaches to make profit. However, the operation of this kind of traffic right should depend on the geographic location of the home base of the airlines and the scale of the airline etc. Therefore, if a state well aware that it has a weak air traffic market, it will take steps to restrict the sixth freedom traffic in practice. The restrictions could be taken in various ways. This article will focus on the restrictions in three categories: policy restriction, legal restriction and restriction from airlines industries.

air law; sixth freedom traffic; traffic right; air transport agreement

