2015年6月7日 星期日

2015年第八屆年會研討會議程表 / Program of the 8th Annual Conference

◎地點:Université Paris 8, Bâtiment A, Amphi A2(法國巴黎第八大學/萬森納-聖德尼大學,A棟之A2講堂)
◎地址:2 Rue de la Liberté, 93200 Saint-Denis(巴黎RATP地鐵系統13號線底站 St. Denis Université)

◎Dates: Friday 26th & Saturday 27th June 2015
◎Venue : Université Paris 8, Bâtiment A, Amphi A2 / 2 Rue de la Liberté, 93200 Saint-Denis (metro: line 13, St. Denis Université)

發表文章摘要 按此 / Abstracts of articles : click here
論文集 按此 / Essays for 8th annual conference; click here


6月26日 星期五
09:00-09:30 報到
09:30-09:40 歡迎詞
09:40-10:20 主題演講

M. Roberto BARBANTI╱法國巴黎第八大學教授╱報告語言:法語
10:30-12:00 第一部分 文化再現與符號

與談人:Jiyi RYU╱英國約克York大學藝術史博士候選人╱報告語言:英語

「你在上;我在下」-- 如何藉由「空間方位隱喻」來表達古埃及王權?
13:30-15:00 第二部分 文化認同之探尋


15:30-17:00 第三部分 群體敘事的重構與反思


17:00-18:00 圓桌討論

6月27日 星期六
09:30-12:00 第四部分 認知的界限


在現象學邊界上的問題 --關於死亡的現象學

13:30-15:00 第五部分 經濟議題

與談人:Dr. Jan Podivinsky╱英國南安普敦大學經濟系教授╱報告語言:英語

15:30-17:00 圓桌討論

Day 1
Friday 26th June
09:00-09:30 Arrival / Registration
09:30-09:40 Opening Greetings
09:40-10:20 Keynote Speech

« Éléments de réflexion autour d’une approche méthodologique écosophique »
M. Roberto BARBANTI / Professor, Université Paris 8 / presentation in french
10:30-12:00 Cultural representation and symbol

« Exploring Taiwanese cultural identity through contemporary ceramic practice »
Wen-Hsi CHEN / PhD Candidate in Ceramics, Bath Spa University, UK / presentation in english
- commentator : Jiyi RYU / PhD Candidate in History of Art, University of York, UK / presentation in english

« You up; I down: Orientational metaphor concerning to ancient Egyptian kingship in royal iconographies and inscriptions »
Shih-Wei HSU / PhD in Egyptology, Freie Universität Berlin, DE / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Hao Xu / Lecturer in History Department, Nantong University, China / presentation in mandarin
13:30-15:00 Research on cultural identity

« Mythology of Tai-Ke in The Golden Bough Theatre's Opela Hi »
Shu-Ping HUANG / PhD Candidate in Theater, Université Paris 8, FR / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Jye-ni TSAY / PhD Candidate in Cultural Sociology, EHESS, FR / presentation in mandarin

« The Cultural Identity of Taiwanese Visual Arts in the 20th century »
Jye-ni TSAY / PhD Candidate in Cultural Sociology, EHESS, FR / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Hsiang-Pin WU / Master in Plastic arts and new medias, Université Paris 8, FR / presentation in mandarin
15:30-17:00 Reconstruction of collective corpus

« Not Ready for Negotiations: Problems of Chinese Preparations and Sino-Soviet Treaty in 1945 »
Chia-Lien HUANG / PhD Student in Russian History of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Moscow State University, RU / presentation in english
- commentator : Tsong-Jou WEI / PhD Candidate in History, EHESS / presentation in mandarin

« The Origin and the Construction of the Current Social Values in Taiwan – A Ponderation with Taiwanese Labors’ Body Images »
Guan-Chun LIN / PhD Candidate in Sociology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, DE / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Sing-Huan WANG / PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Université Paris 8, FR / presentation in mandarin
17:00-18:00 Round Table

Day 2
Saturday 27th June
09:30-12:00 Limits of understanding

« Understanding Kant's Concept of the highest Good »
Cheng-Hao LIN / PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Hsiao-Chun SU / PhD in Philospohy, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, FR / presentation in mandarin

« The limit problems of phenomenology-On the phenomenology of death »
Yun-Hong YANG / PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, DE / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Tsung-Yuan WU / PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Université Paris 8, FR / presentation in mandarin

« Visual-spatial processing in ageing: neuroimaging and cognitive correlates »
Yvonne LAI / PhD Candidate in Academic Psychiatry, Newcastle University, UK / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Yi-Chen LIN / PhD Candidate in Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan / presentation in mandarin
13:30-15:00 Economic issues

« Unemployment, Economic Growth, and Trade: Empirical Application of Okun's Law in Taiwan »
Yu-Shen LIU / PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Southampton, UK / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Dr. Jan Podivinsky / Associate Professor in Economics, University of Southampton, UK / presentation in english

« Potential risks of loans made by Taiwan domestic banks to China enterprises »
Wei-Ming HUANG / Master of Laws, Queen Mary University of London, UK / presentation in mandarin
- commentator : Wei-Ju HUANG / PhD Candidate in Law, Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen, DE / presentation in mandarin
15:30-17:00 Round Table

2015年4月2日 星期四

Abstracts accepted for 8th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Young Scholars in Europe

Exploring Taiwanese cultural identity through contemporary ceramic practice

Wen-Hsi CHEN/PhD Candidate in Ceramics, Bath Spa University, UK

This essay will explore from the perspective of a Taiwanese artist living different cultures (Taiwan and the UK) how to address Taiwanese identity in the UK. It will explore the construction of identity in a cross- cultural context through contemporary ceramic practice. As a Taiwanese woman living and working in ‘in between ’ cultures (Taiwan and UK) I have recognized how challenging it is to survive in western society. 

My PhD, which is practice- led in ceramics, deals with the predicament of identity. My supporting research investigates Taiwanese women ceramists with a particular focus on notions of gender: Taiwan continues to be a patriarchal society. Traditionally, women in Taiwan have always relied on male – dominated social rituals as this defines their identity in life. 

My contemporary practice provides a platform of freedom from which I can escape and review tensions. Who am I and how can I develop my studio practice research in ceramics in order to find ways of working that express and communicate my situation?

I use ready-made objects to create a dialogue between the different political power platforms. My aim is to combine old documents and maps behind contemporary issues such as the Taiwanese Sunflower movement, traditional Taiwanese wedding customs and Taiwanese smells such as camphor. I like to mix up the cross culture predicament, releasing dangerous emotional feelings to try and understand the Taiwan condition. 

Additionally I draw on oral history methodology as I collected first hand information from Taiwan. The artist conducted interviews for a disappearing culture from the Amis earthenware tradition in Taiwan. I created a ten minute documentary film to show the pottery making process. Furthermore I used my female perspective to analyse why only females in the Amis tribe were allowed to touch clay and how modernity has affected their traditional way of life. 

Additionally my aim in my work is to unpack Taiwanese cultural identity in the colonial and post colonialism worlds. I decide to use volcanic glazes and porcelain to construct cross culture process. Time and space changes, many objects are situating / shifting in different systems. Sometimes similar objects take on different meanings such as bananas, Chinese paws, Chinese medicine, spoons and rose petals. 

Taiwan will need to survive in the western society context, this does not mean to just become other. It needs to try not to limit its potential and possibility. Taiwanese people need to be positive to deal with our past and look forward to the future. In turn we have seen our country occupied by Spain, Holland and Japan and we have a very sensitive relationship with the Chinese government. Taiwan needs to figure out our traditional cultural values and try to understand Taiwanese history to be able to believe in ourselves. Nowadays Taiwan seems to be living in a colonial period or post-colonial atmosphere.


You up; I down - Orientational metaphor concerning to ancient Egyptian kingship in royal iconographies and inscriptions

Shih-Wei HSU/PhD in Egyptology, Freie Universität Berlin, DE

The most common use of a metaphor is as a figure of speech, in which one object is usually compared to another object. However, in the last three decades, the prominent discussion of metaphor is “that metaphors are, as far as their cognitive force is concerned, elliptical similes”. In 1980, Lakoff and Johnson proposed the “conceptual metaphor theory”, which means that the metaphor is actually pervasive in our everyday way of thinking, speaking and acting. Three kinds of cognitive function of metaphor are a) structural metaphors, b) ontological metaphors and c) orientational metaphors. 

Orientational metaphors, which are the main topic of this paper, give a concept of spatial orientations. They arise from the fact that we have bodies of sort we have and that they function as they do in our physical environment: up-down, in-out, front-back, on-off, deep-shallow and central-peripheral. The relationship between the king and his enemy can be regarded by orientational metaphors, for instance, the UP-DOWN orientation: The king is up – GOOD IS UP, HIGH STATUS IS UP, LIFE IS UP, CONTROL IS UP, ACTIVE IS UP and ORDER IS UP; his enemy is down – BAD IS DOWN, LOW STATUS IS DOWN, DEATH IS DOWN; LACK OF CONTROL IS DOWN, PASSIVE IS DOWN and CHAOS IS DOWN.

The ancient Egyptian kingship has been researched by different aspects, but not by the aspect of orientation metaphors. This paper focuses on orientational metaphors, which appear both in royal iconographies and inscriptions. They help people to understand not only types of relationships between the king and his enemies, but also other layers of meaning behind these relationships.


Mythology of Tai-Ke in The Golden Bough Theatre’s Opela Hi

Shu-Ping HUANG/PhD Candidat in Theater, Université Paris 8, FR

Known for its series of pieces in the name of ‘Opela’ or “Tai-Ke”, the Golden Bough Theatre, a group of contemporary theatre , has captured precisely the cultural atmosphere since the 1990s in Taiwan. It successfully creates some kind of popular theatre which is claimed to be the representation of real Taiwanese’s spirit. 

Since the Golden Bough Theatre’s creation of the “ Taiwan Opera: Female Robin Hood Pai Hsiao Lan” in 1996, it has become, in a few years, the spokesman for this ‘traditional' popular theatre. These pieces are full of clichés and stereotypes, but strangely they still get the attention and the appreciation of the newspaper reporters and some theatre scholars. 

As a matter of fact, these clichés originally meant to be criticized by the specialists become unexpectedly the objects which help to arouse and reform the collective memory in Taiwanese society. That is the reason why the audience can relate themselves to the story and satisfy their nostalgia.

We can also find from these stereotypes a reduced and “essentialized” Taiwanese image, reinforced by the Golden Bough Theatre. 

When Chen Shui Bian was elected as president in 2000, the quest for the authentic Taiwanese culture became a hot topic. 

Take the person’s characters for instance; rustic, boorish, provincial are considered to be real Taiwanese. As for the presentation of art, bright and colorful are the most used images. When it comes to the style of performance, simple, funny and animated are the principal characteristics. 

We can summarize these above-mentioned examples as the phenomena of “Tai-Ke”. Some of the images and roles of Golden Bough Theatre correspond to this “Tai-Ke” fashion. Since it is acclaimed to be the best theatre of Tai-Ke, it gets also the legitimacy to represent the real Taiwanese. 

This paper will examine firstly the Golden Bough Theatre’s ‘Opela’ series through the roles, the music, the costumes, the conversations and the advertisements. Secondly, the research goes on to discuss the cultural and social context behind the works. Finally, by rethinking the stereotypes and the clichés in the theatrical performance, this study will reconsider how the mythology of Taiwanese society has been made.


The Cultural Identity of Taiwanese Visual Arts in the 20th century

Jye-ni TSAY/PhD Candidate in Cultural Sociology, EHESS, FR

As a result of the successive cultural colonizations in the last century, the Taiwanese identity problem becomes a complex topic that attracts considerable researchers internationally.

This research intends to deal with a theme which connects the identity issue and the visual arts. We presuppose first an existence of a collective aesthetics which is based on the history, the geography and the custom of each country. Since the state built not only the political and the economic boundaries, but also the cultural boundary formed by the national education and the effect of centralized mass media, consequently, the cultural expression tends to be homogenized within a scale of nation. That is why, for example, we could distinguish the different national aesthetic among the participating countries at the Venice Biennale, although the form performing the contemporary art is quite internationalized.

Some Western art critics find that the Taiwanese artists are familiar with the forms of the expression of Western art. However, most of the works of Taiwanese visual arts manifest evidently an unwillingness to express an insular character. Accordingly, it is difficult to distinguish a collective style of Taiwanese arts in the world of contemporary art.

The character of Taiwanese art is away from a national or a local characteristic. But what caused this result? Moreover, as the conflict of national identity is appearing evidently on the island, in very few creations, a divergence of aesthetics among the Taiwanese artworks can be aware as well.

The effect of the successive cultural colonizations might induce the historic context of this distinctive Taiwanese phenomenon. This research will focus on the expression of the Taiwanese artworks during the 20th century. Through the studies of the works, the speeches and the debates that form the dominant taste of the Taiwanese visual arts, as well as their roles in identity competition, the research aims at explaining a more “subtle” cultural expression of the visual arts from the perspective of identity studies.


Not Ready for Negotiations: Problems of Chinese Preparations and Sino-Soviet Treaty in 1945

Chia-Lien HUANG/PhD Student in Russian History of the 20th and 21st Centuries, Moscow State University, RU

Lack preparations for negotiations with Soviet Union (USSR) is the one of the main factors caused lots of controversies over Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance for the Republic of China (ROC), but few people took notice of it before. Chiang Kai-shek and his men did understand neither what kind of exact benefits they wanted to gain from Soviet Union nor why Joseph Stalin desired to make his Yalta Agreement come true in Far East. Hence, there was little cooperation between two countries after signing the treaty of Friendship and Alliance. The essay is going to prove the causal relations between preparations and result of negotiations in 1945 by new released documents from Russia and Taiwan. 


The Origin and the Construction of the Current Social Values in Taiwan – A Ponderation with Taiwanese Labors' Body Images

Guan-Chun LIN/PhD Candidate in Sociology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, DE

Since the economic boom in the 1960s, Taiwan has become an island with the post-modernity consumerism. Nowadays, its society looks joyful and vivacious. But many researches have revealed that more and more Taiwanese people are unhappy and unhealthy due to their unsatisfaction with working and living conditions. The narrative interviews of this paper have revealed that the body of the labors has been formed as a superintended, disciplined, exploited and dedicated object, which is utilized as a social and economical capital.

If the current social model is unfavorable, why it could exist and shape people’s behaviors and body images constantly? In which way the social values have been (re-)formed? How could we criticize the present phenomenon in a correct way and find the solutions for their induced problems? Through the narrative interviews of blue and white collar workers and the literature reviews focused on western sociology of the body, Chinese traditional and modern body concepts as well as Taiwan’s social and economical transitions, a deeper insight into these questions has been gained in this paper.

According to the analysis, this study has come to the following points:

1. The same as the “structured theory” of the western sociology, the classical Confucianism and Taoism regarded the body as “a product of the social structure” and “a producer of the society”. Nevertheless, the classical Chinese notion has been misrepresented during the feudal period, the Japanese colonization, the coercion after war and the capitalization in recent decades. Since then the body is merely an object, which is scanty of self-responsibility and active will to construct the social structure.
2. Although the classical Chinese concepts are still preserved in Taiwan, Taiwanese people’s thoughts and body concepts are also formed by the influences of the cultural, social and economical transitions in each phase. The individual body is therefore regarded as an object, which is dominated by the external system, culture and values. Moreover, the social responsibility of every individual is relieved to others. Today, most of the subjects in Taiwan behave in accordance with their class belonging as well as their economical, cultural and social capitals. The structuralist body images have been developed softly and unconsciously.
3. Taiwan society is built upon the classical Chinese culture as well as the local political, economical and social changes. All of the phenomenon and the social problems have their own historical and social context. Both of the “delocalization” and the “de-sinicization” have actually decontextualized the origin of the current phenomenon. Because of this decontextualization, the issues attached to each social problem are defocused. That is the main reason, why the proper solutions for the current social problems are always marginalized.


Understanding Kant's Concept of the highest Good

Cheng-Hao LIN/PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, DE

Kant’s moral thought is an unshakable milestone in the history of ethics. His formalism and rigorism has become a model of the deontological Ethics. He strictly exclude any consideration of the consequences of behavior and happiness in the establishment of his moral principle, which is well-known part of his ethics. However, this is not the whole picture of Kantian ethics, whose moral system includes a controversial theory of highest good. The so-called highest good is that moral and happiness correspondently in proportion present in the moral actors, in simple terms, a morally good person should also have the happiness he deserves. About this concept of the highest good, Kant further claims that it is the a priori object of human will, and if the highest good were not possible, then the moral law would be fake (KpV, V: 114). This idea strongly counters our impression of Kantian ethics, and it seems that it will make Kant’s system into a self-contradiction. Since the moral law does not consider to achieve the goals of actions from duties, nor require it to bring the results of happiness, then how could the possibility of the highest good that contains the happiness affect the valid of the establishment of the concept of moral law. Faced with this problem, the simplest solution is to regard this inherent inconsistency of the theory as the limitation of Kant’s thought under the religious authority at his time, thereby Kant can further argue that in order to sustain the possibility of the highest good we have to presuppose the existence of god, so that his system was not contrary to the mainstream thinking at the time. However, if we grasp Kant’s system deeply, such an interpretation not only ignores the spirit and purpose of Kant’s critical philosophy as a whole, but also gives up the possibility to find a more coherent interpretation in accordance with the principles of charity. In this article I will try to point out that Kant introduced the concept of the highest good in its philosophical system, is still based on the formal normativity of moral, merely this introduction is considered for the different aspect in the ethics. This concept not only doesn’t conflict with his formalism, is but also an integral part for the last purpose in terms of his entire philosophical system. Because the ultimate goal of Kant's critical work is not to eradicate all metaphysics, but to establish a scientifically valid metaphysics. Thereby, how the objects of traditional metaphysics (God, the soul, etc.), whose cognitive meaning is denied by Critique of Pure Reason, restore their status, will be Kant’s unavoidable task, and just in this aspect, the concept of the highest good plays an irreplaceable role. If this attempt is successful, it will show that the spirit of critical philosophy does not consist simply of the choosing between superficial conflicting concepts (e.g. either consider only the duties, or only consider the results), but the correct classification of concepts, striving to maintain their validity by applying them in their effective domain respectively. In addition to making Kant’s original ethical thoughts, which are seemingly rigorous cold, closer to our intuition, this work can also let us reflect the advantages of the holistic thinking from classical figure in our time, when we are used to thinking with the divided topics of the whole philosophy.


The limit problems of phenomenology-On the phenomenology of death

Yun-Hong, YANG/PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, DE

The triple relation, consciousness-meaning-language, is one of the most important issues since the very beginning of "the phenomenological Movement", and has a great effect around all modern continental philosophy. If meaning as a event in our experience cannot be thinking of without consciousness, how could we think the rupture between experience and language form the unconsciousness-problem, like death, born ,sleep, mystical religious experiencesor other unconsciousness situations, in the phenomenology. The problem of death is one of the most difficult problems. For phenomenology, to describe, analyze and reduce the essence from experience, is a fundamental work. But obviously, we can't experience our own death, and go back to doing the phenomenological work. However, as a specific type of Being, the human being, we have no chance to avoid death. How can we think the death problem in phenomenology?

Martin Heidegger in 1927 in one of his famous works, "Sein und Zeit(Being and Time)", was mentioned the concept of "das Sein zum Tode "(being-toward-death). And leaving a considerable influence in 20th century. But after the late manuscriptsby Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, in 2014 published. We can find another understanding on the question of death.

As we know, Husserl and Heidegger have a very different understanding and influence in development of phenomenology. But death problem to both of them, is a unavoidable issue in phenomenology. For Heidegger, death is the direct question to "Dasein" as the end of Being-in-the-world. Similarly, Husserl also point to the living world as a holistic meaning. Death as a lost puzzle, in the way of happening and continuing experience world that we can never receive.

In this text, I will compare about death problem by Husserl in "Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie" and by Heidegger in "Sein und Zeit(Being and Time)", and describe the phenomenology of death between Husserl and Heidegger.
  1. The concept of "The Phenomenological Movement", see Herbert Spiegelberg, "The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction",3rd edition. with the collaboration of Karl Schuhmann. The Hague: Nijhoff. 1982. Or Hans Rainer Sepp, (Hrsg.): "Edmund Husserl und die phänomenologische Bewegung. Zeugnisse in Text und Bild." Alber, Freiburg u. München 1988.
  2. For the analysis of mystical experience is not the same with mystik or okkultismus.
  3. Martin Heidegger, "Sein und Zeit", Niemeyer, Tübingen, §§ 46-53, 2006. Will be referred to as SuZ.
  4. Edmund Husserl, "Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie - Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik (Texte aus dem Nachlass 1908 – 1937)", Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke, Band 42, Springer, 2014. Will be referred to as Hua XLII.
  5. The argument between Husserl and Heidegger in " Phenomenology" draft in "the Encyclopaedia Britannica". After this, Husserl also criticized, that Heidegger made phenomenology as a "philosophical anthropology". See Edmund Husserl, Psychological and transcendental phenomenology and the confrontation with Heidegger (1927–1931) (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997). 

Visual-spatial processing in ageing: neuroimaging and cognitive correlates

Yvonne LAI/PhD Candidate in Academic Psychiatry, Newcastle University, UK

There is increasing interest in furthering our understanding of the relationship between cognitive decline in ageing and the brain regions associated with this. The hemispheric asymmetry reduction in old adults (HAROLD) hypothesis suggests that the two hemispheres show different decay speeds. Older adults with preserved cognitive function are able to utilise limited brain resources efficiently. Additional brain resources in one hemisphere are applied to ‘scaffold’ the other hemisphere that shows declined cognitive ability. Previous studies on this topic have utilised only verbal-related cognitive ability, which is restricted to prefrontal cortex activations. This study aims to observe such scaffolding mechanism with visual-spatial tasks that are underpinned by temporal-parietal activation. Categorical and coordinate spatial relations are two types of spatial relations in visual-spatial memory. Categorical spatial relations describe objects’ spatial relations in an abstract manner, e.g., the pan is on the left of the eraser. Coordinate spatial relations illustrate spatial relations between objects with a numeric and precise method, e.g., the pan is 5cm away from the eraser. Categorical spatial relations are associated with the left hemisphere processing while coordinate spatial relations rely on the right hemisphere processing. The hemispheric specificity of the two spatial representations enables the researcher to examine the HAROLD hypothesis and observes possible compensatory mechanism in ageing. 

Two studies were designed to observe cognitive performance and the underlying neural mechanism in older adults. Fifty-five healthy older participants (aged between 40 and 69 years old) were recruited in the neuropsychological study. The participants experienced a neuropsychological battery including psychomotor speed tests, attention and central executive function tests, verbal ability tests, and spatial ability tests along with two visual-spatial memory tasks developed in our lab, the CATCOORD task and the dot-cross task. Participants were separated into Old-High (OH) and Old-Low (OL) group in accordance with their cognitive composite. The OL group showed significant correlation with verbal ability when performing the visual-spatial memory tasks whereas the OH group did not associate other cognitive ability. That is, OL participants recruited additional verbal information to perform the visual-spatial tasks yet it did not aid the performance. The neuroimaging study recruited 37 older participants from the neuropsychological study. The participants were required to perform the dot-cross task in an fMRI scanner. The neuroimaging results showed bilateral activation when judging categorical and coordinate spatial relations. However, stronger and broader neural network was found in the OH group than the OL group when perform the task. In addition, the OH group recruited greater frontal regions, which are associated with attention/executive function ability, when processing difficult trials than the OL group. 

Overall, the results demonstrated a compensatory strategy in the OH group by including additional attention when facing cognitive challenge. The OL group, on the other hand, showed lack of attention and resulted in poor cognitive performance. Future study intends to assist cognitive decline in ageing could enhance attention and central executive ability in older adults and to improve their overall quality of life.


Unemployment, Economic Growth, and Trade: Empirical Application of Okun's Law in Taiwan

Eric Yu-Shen LIU/PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Southampton, UK

The relationship between unemployment rate and the rise of real production is widely examined by empirical economists. Okun (1962) firstly concludes the relationship between the gap of real GNP and the gap of unemployment rate to be negative in US data, and this structure, known as the “Okun Coefficient” is later commonly applied by researchers worldwide. Since Taiwan has long been recognized as an economic entity highly dependent on its international trade, the paper attempts to further supplement the existing empirical literature on Okun Coefficient in Taiwan, via adding export growth as an extra explanatory variable within the Autoregressive Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ADL) framework. Is trade growth also significantly affecting unemployment rate cyclically? If so, how can we explain it?

By applying the Hodrick–Prescott filter (H-P filter), and Holt-Winters de-seasonal smoothing to construct two different data sets, the paper attempts to examine in robustness if a theoretical prediction proposed by Dutt, Mitra and Ranja (2009), i.e., a more liberate free trade agreement between countries could be not as benign as expected, but harmful to overall employment cyclically.

Furthermore, the paper examines if there is any “shock” that occurs at assumed breaks date that would create structural changes with the Chow test statistics, in accordance with the theoretical prediction of Dutt et al. The assumed break date is 1990q1 when Taiwan reinitiates Trade with China, a country relatively lower 1990q1 when Taiwan reinitiates Trade with China, a country with relatively lower capital per labor ratio at the time, and 2002q1, when Taiwan has joined World Trade Organization (WTO), a FTA with average capital labor ratio slightly higher than that of Taiwan then. Lastly, a Quandt Likelihood Ratio test has been included as to see when the break most likely to happen in both filtered and de-seasonal data set. The result of the two datasets show resemblance: as the break date with the highest QLR statistics are at the beginning of 1986, which could be a result of multiple, intertwined shocks, e.g., initiation of the bubble economy in Japan, the international raw material prices hit the record-breaking lowest levels, and the Taiwanese martial law, was finally about to be abolished after 38 years of enforcement.

  1. The GDP and export in Taiwan is shown Fig.1  
  2. Please see Fig.2 and 3, which are graphic example of the result of HP-filter, and HW-desmoothing.
  3. The capital-labor ratio over the years is graphed in Fig.4
  4. The result in QLR is presented in Fig.5


Potential risks of loans made by Taiwan domestic banks to China enterprises

Wei-Ming HUANG/Master of Laws, LL.M., Queen Mary University of London, UK

Under the trend of internationalised capital flows, it is usual to see domestic banks have business contact with foreign or multi-national enterprises. However, can a same concept be recognised in the condition of Taiwan banks making loans to China enterprises? From the view of financial risk in this articis article, some doubtable contents might be analysed.

Recently, syndicate loan cases be lent from Taiwan's domestic banks to China enterprises raised the Taiwan public's attention. Some lender banks of those cases faced the potential risks of dead loans which might not only result from their internal inspection but also revealed the weakness of Taiwan's financial supervisory framework. The major categories of Taiwan banks making loans to China enterprises nowadays can be separated into two types: one is syndicate loan lead by foreign agent banks to form Taiwan banks into a consortium, then the bank consortium make loans to China enterprises. As can be seen in some cases, they are unsecured loan. Once the borrowers become insolvent, syndicate loans without collateral might lead syndicate loans unable to be repaid. That is the reason why first type of are worth noting.

Nonetheless, the second type of loan is also worrisome when China enterprises issuing depositary receipts in Taiwan (Taiwan depositary receipts, TDRs) and using their TDRs to get loan from banks. Management of TDRs market is not matured enough. Market abuse might happen which will cause domestic investment loss when their original stock price plummet. Furthermore, the nature of depositary receipt (DR) is still different from stock. The framework of TDRs market is still highly rely on Operating Rules of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation instead of an act included financial services or financial conducts. Concerning the integrity of financial conducts, an integral act might can expect to be established in order to fill the gap between securities regulation and financial service act. If TDRs cannot be seen as a stable vehicle, applying TDRs as collateral is still questionable.

To sum up, this article wants to illustrate three points. Firstly is the potential risks of dead loans between Taiwan domestic banks and China enterprises from the perspective of practise and regulation views. Secondly, some UK financial acts will be introduced to discuss it is possible for Taiwan to apply in Taiwan’s financial market, and whether it can be can be can be amended in Taiwan financial supervisory framework. Lastly, the availability of a Memorandum of Understanding made by some Taiwan and China banks will be discussand to define if it is more effective for Taiwan lenders to get repaid by their borrowers.











從古至今,大部分的語言學家都把隱喻視為是修辭學的一種,它的作用在於比較兩種不同的事物,用其一來類比其二。但自從1980年雷考夫(George Lakoff)和詹森(Mark Johnson)大膽地提出了「概念隱喻理論」(Conceptual Metaphor Theory)之後,在語言學界掀起了一個全新探索隱喻的視野。他們指出隱喻其實無所不在,它不只在語言內,也在思想及行動表現中,與我們的生活密不可分。他們利用一般人認知的底層論證了「空間方位隱喻」(orientational metaphor)、「實體隱喻」(ontological metaphor)和「結構隱喻」(structural metaphor),前兩種得自於我們肉體經驗的原初認知,第三種則是原初概念基礎上的系統性。






常被譽為戲劇界台客第一天團的金枝演社, 靈活的結合大眾文化與台灣意識, 精準的捕捉台灣當下的社會氛圍及文化走向,成功地以知識分子的身分營造台灣的民眾劇場 (le théâtre populaire ). 金枝演社 自1996年的 « 台灣俠白小蘭»開始, 就以胡撇仔戲的形式作為作品創作的基礎點, 儼然成為這個台灣歌仔戲變種戲劇的代言人,影響所及,金枝逐漸從論述上擁有了呈現台灣特性的正當性(légitimité). 矛盾的是, 金枝演社的作品和受知識分子的偏好有著美學上的差異, 金枝演社為何能自台灣現代劇場的中心突圍, 既做出了極盡拼貼與濫情的通俗劇, 又能引起了知識份子一定的認可與好奇心 ? 

不可諱言, 金枝的作品充滿了台灣影視作品最習見的老套情節與陳腔濫調, 但在導演對敏銳的時代捕捉感以及周邊台派藝術家的幫助之下,這些陳腔濫調作為共同記憶的一部分,反能騷動觀眾的懷舊鄉愁以及對於台灣土地的認同情感. 在這些拼貼電視劇情節的陳腔濫調中, 刻板印象的營造更讓我們看到自陳水扁時代以來 « 台灣性 »在被媒體及政治論述塑造下的單一本質化形象.

2000年後台客被媒體捧為主流文化的社會背景下,花俏,輕鬆,無厘頭,拼貼,台灣腔國語,夾腳拖等外在的個別形象集合成一個本質化的整體,並被賦予意義為一個正統台灣人的歷史形象.俗民生活的懷舊物事與庶民品味的俗艷成為了文化認同行動的一個外顯標誌.金枝作品裡呈現的花式襯衫,木屐, 台客站姿的三七步,豪放草莽的河洛語言,以及舞台置放的庶民城市風景與道具, 都在金枝有意識的操作下, 成為作品中的台客品味. 同樣的, 觀眾在同樣的社會氛圍的默契中, 將台灣美好年代的情懷投射其上, 不管是他們對舊時代或舊戲劇的想像,都隱含著他們對於國族的認同想望.












1945年簽訂的《中蘇友好同盟條約》(Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance)在中華民國與蘇聯關係史上佔有重要的地位。中華民國自1912年成立以來,不論是北京政府時期還是南京政府時期,對蘇關係是衝突多於和平。兩國能排除萬難,簽訂同盟條約有其劃時代的意義,但雙方並未因此發展真正的合作與友好,反而在短短四年內轉變成「反共抗俄」的敵對關係。

如此劇烈的變化促使不少學者投入《中蘇友好同盟條約》的研究,形成三種主要不同的觀點,以解釋為何當時中蘇簽訂同盟條約。第一、受美、英盟國在雅爾達會議(Yalta Conference)的背叛,私相授受犧牲中國的權益給蘇聯,中華民國為降低國家利益的損失而不得不與蘇聯妥協、簽訂此條約。在談判的過程中,中華民國是處於被動與受害的地位。










綜觀文獻回顧及深度訪談,本文重點包括:1. 傳統儒、道對身體的定義,即西方身體社會學視角中「結構化理論」式,「主動建構社會結構」與「被動受外在規範制約」雙重意義兼具的身體觀。然此觀念在封建時期、日本皇國殖民、戰後國民政府高壓統治、以及資本經濟快速右傾等變遷下遭致扭曲。在監視、馴化、剝削等結構壓力下,身體淪為單純被動、受外在制約與規訓、缺乏主動意志與社會建構能力的「純粹物體(Körperding)」。2. 當代臺灣社會在思想上雖仍保有傳統儒、道觀念,卻也內化、再製了各時期對其原始論述與意義的扭曲。曲解的觀念與近代社會規約交錯形塑下,個人的社會責任遭致卸除。一方面,個體失去建構社會的主動性;另一方面也慣於將各種社會問題歸咎於他者或社會結構。順從固有階級屬性或依循經濟、文化與社會資本行為,卻又未加意識或不思變革的行為慣習,即其具象結果。3. 臺灣當前各種社會現象或觀念的形成,既是華人傳統文化與歷史變遷的產物;同時,本地歷代政治、經濟與社會變遷更是影響深刻。戰後文化與政治意識形態下的「去本土化」,以及為反撲該意識形態而生的「去中國化」,不啻為「去脈絡化」的便宜手段。不僅無助於理性批判社會問題,甚至漠視社會及歷史的結構性脈絡,令問題濫觴邊緣化、模糊化。此即絕大多數個體無從具身實踐真正想要的社會價值與生活型態的根本原因。




康德在倫理學研究當中是一個屹立不搖的里程碑。他以形式主義(Formalism)和嚴格主義(Rigorism)的標籤成為了義務論(deontology)倫理學中的一個典範。他在建立道德規範性之基礎的過程當中嚴格地排除任何對行為後果以及人類福祉的考慮,這是康德倫理學廣為人知的一面。然而這卻不是康德倫理學的全貌,在他的倫理學體系當中,存在著一個備受爭議的最高善(highest good)理論。
所謂的最高善,即是德行與福祉按照比例一致地存在於道德行為者身上,簡單來說,也就是一個道德上的好人,同時也應該要擁有他所配得的幸福。針對這個最高善概念,康德進一步主張它是人類意志先天(a priori)必然的對象,如果最高善不可能,那麼道德法則也將會是錯誤的(KpV, V:114)。這個主張強烈地違反我們對康德倫理學的印象,並且看起來將使他陷入自我矛盾當中。既然道德原則不考慮行為的對象實現,也不要求其結果帶來人類的福祉,又何以包含福祉概念的最高善的可能性會影響道德原則的成立與否。面對這個問題,一種最簡單的解決辦法就是把這種理論內在的不一致視為康德的思想受其時代之宗教權威所限制的結果,即康德可以藉此進一步主張,為了保障最高善的可能性我們必須預設上帝存在,以使他的體系不至於違背當時社會的主流思想。然而,如果我們深入了解康德的體系,這樣的解釋不僅過於廉價、忽略了康德批判哲學整體的精神與目的,也放棄了根據慈善原則(Principle of Charity)來詮釋出更有價值的融貫理論的可能性。在這篇文章當中我將嘗試指出,康德在其哲學系統中引入最高善概念,在其形式的道德規範性之中仍有其根據,並且是基於與道德規範性之基礎不同層次的考量。它不僅與其形式主義的倫理學不互相衝突,更對於其整個哲學體系的最後目的而言是一不可或缺的環節。因為康德批判工作的最終目的並非根絕一切形上學,而是建立一門具有科學(wissenschaftlich)有效性的形上學。如此一來,要如何在傳統形上學對象(上帝、靈魂等)遭到《純粹理性批判》(Kritik der reinen Vernunft)剝奪了其認知意義的情況下,重新安排它們的地位,就會是一樁康德無法避免的任務,而正是在這個環節上,最高善概念起了它無可替代的作用。如果這個嘗試是成功的,將顯示批判哲學的精神不在於簡單地在表面上非此即彼的概念衝突中選邊站(例如要麼只考慮義務,要麼只考慮結果),而在於進行正確的劃分,力求讓互相衝突的概念各從其類,在其合適的運用當中保持有效性。這除了會讓原本康德看似冷峻嚴酷的倫理學更貼近吾人的道德直覺以外,還能使處在習慣於將議題分割化討論的當代的我們反省古點哲學家整體性思考的長處。




意識-意義-語言的三重關係,一直是環繞在 20 世紀現象學運動1開始以來的 核心命題之一。然而,現象學從奠基者胡塞爾(Edmund Husserl)開始就強調體驗/事件(Erleben/Erlebnis)作為不可或缺的重要過程,故此在無意識問題,在經驗與語言的斷裂意義處境上一直遭遇著難以克服的疑難。這些處境如死亡、出生、 睡眠、無意識狀態或者是宗教的神祕體驗2。強調對體驗進行表述與分析工作的 現象學而言,死亡-死(Sterben-Tode)問題又是現象學問題中最為棘手的難題。很 明顯的,我們不可能完成自身死亡的體驗過程,再回過頭來進行表述、分析與還 原其本質的現象學工作。但做為人的存有即意味著對於死亡的無可迴避,海德格 (Martin Heidegger)在其 1927 年出版的成名作《存有與時間(Sein und Zeit)》3提 出向死存有(das Sein zum Tode)的概念。並相當程度的影響了 20 世紀對於死亡 問題的解析。然而,隨著 2014 年胡塞爾歿前晚期手稿的整理出版。4讓對於死亡 問題的現象學解析有了一條新的路徑可能。

眾所周知,胡塞爾與海德格兩人對於現象學的發展有著迥然不同的見解與影 響。5然死亡現象對於兩人而言,卻皆視其無可迴避的問題之一,特別是聯繫起 對於世界的問題上。對於海德格而言,死亡是此有(Dasein)直接投向的問題,是 世界以朝向消亡的姿態而開顯的方式之一。同樣的,胡塞爾也視死亡為指向生活 世界意義而言,所必須面對的問題。在論述上,生活世界做為整全的意義而言, 死亡問題就如同我(Ich)在世界體驗(Weltvorkommnisse)與持續存在地 (immerfort)世界體驗中,一塊總是指向未來卻永遠無法獲得的拼圖。包含著對於 無意識、身體/軀體(Leib/Körper)、生活/生命(Leben)等等概念的探索。本文的工 作,即在死亡的現象學問題上,以胡塞爾全集 42 卷對於死亡現象的探究為輔,以海德格《存有與時間》為主,借由兩者對於死亡問題相似與差異的辯證,對於 這一現象學邊緣上的概念進行鋪展。對於歷史發展、兩者的哲學思路以及現象學所特持的生命與哲學的一致性問題進行鋪展。

  1. 現象學運動此一說法,參見Herbert Spiegelberg, "The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction",3rd edition. with the collaboration of Karl Schuhmann. The Hague: Nijhoff. 1982.或Hans Rainer Sepp, (Hrsg.): "Edmund Husserl und die phänomenologische Bewegung. Zeugnisse in Text und Bild." Alber, Freiburg u. München 1988.
  2. 對於神秘體驗的分析不等於神秘/密契主義(Mystik/ Okkultismus)。
  3. Martin Heidegger, "Sein und Zeit", Niemeyer, Tübingen, §§ 46-53, 2006. 後簡稱SuZ.
  4. 即胡塞爾全集第42卷。Edmund Husserl, "Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie - Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik (Texte aus dem Nachlass 1908 – 1937)", Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke, Band 42, Springer, 2014. 後簡稱Hua XLII.
  5. 除了現象學史上著名的大英百科現象學辭條事件外,胡塞爾甚至批判過海德格將現象學縮限在人類學的問題之上。參見 Edmund Husserl, Psychological and transcendental phenomenology and the confrontation with Heidegger (1927–1931) (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997).




本研究旨在了解大腦如何維持隨著健康老化而造成的認知能力衰退。 「半腦老化不對稱假說」(Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults (HAROLD)假說)認為左右半腦退化的速度在老化過程中不盡相同。認知表現的差異來自老年人能否有效運用有限的大腦資源。年長者若能將維持較好的半腦的資源轉移幫助退化速度較快的半腦,則其認知能力在老化過程中得以保持;無法妥善運用大腦資源的年長者,其認知能力易隨老化而衰退。支持HAROLD假說的文獻多以語言為研究材料,其缺點為語言能力僅能觀察到大腦前額葉活化情形。本研究因此使用與顳葉-頂葉區域相關之視覺空間能力作業,欲了解這些腦區在老化過程中的補償機制。類別性空間關係(categorical spatial relations)與量化性空間關係(coordinate spatial relations)為兩種描述物體間位置關係的方式。這兩種空間關係已被許多研究證實有左右半腦特化(hemispheric specialisation)的情形:類別性空間關係使用抽象/籠統的詞彙描述物體的空間關係(例如:鉛筆在橡皮擦的左邊),左腦較擅於處理此類空間關係;量化性空間關係使用精確的數量關係描述物體間的空間關係(例如:鉛筆在橡皮擦五公分遠的地方),與右腦頂葉活化有關。本研究藉由這兩種空間關係的半腦側化特性探討老化大腦的補償機制。

本研究包含兩個實驗:神經心理實驗及腦造影實驗。神經心理實驗共徵收55位40 至 69歲間的健康年長受試者。受試者執行一系列神經心理測驗以了解其整體認知能力:心理動力能力、注意力及中央執行能力、語言能力、空間能力,以及本實驗室所設計的兩個視覺空間短期記憶測驗: CATCOORD 作業及 dot-cross 作業。受試者依其認知能力的綜合表現分為高/低(認知)能力組。實驗結果顯示低能力組在執行視覺空間短期記憶作業時與語言能力有顯著相關而高能力組與其他認知能力無顯著相關。即低能力組使用額外的語言資源仍無法有效地幫助他們執行視覺空間作業。腦造影實驗徵收37位已參與神經心理實驗的受試者進入核磁共振造影儀器執行dot-cross作業。腦造影結果顯示受試者在判斷類別性及量化性空間關係時兩半腦同時活化。高能力組較低能力組有更強烈及廣泛的神經網絡且當處理較難的題目時,高能力組使用更多的前額葉資源(與注意力及執行決策能力有關)。





整體失業率與經濟成長率的關係一直是實證經濟學家關注的焦點。自從奧肯(1962)首次利用美國總體數據得出失業率以及GNP成長率之間的負相關性之後,奧肯係數及其計量框架即被許多實證學者廣泛檢驗、運用。本文亦嘗試運用此模型架構,加入出口成長率,檢驗台灣作為一出口導向的已發展經濟體,其週期性就業狀況是否亦受出口成長之影響。本文採取時間序列分析中的自回歸滯後模型(Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model)檢驗之。2009年,Dutt, Mitra and Ranjan 使用搜尋-配對理論,在赫克謝爾-歐林(Heckscher–Ohlin model)模型框架下得出結論:技術豐富國在增產並出口技術密集財貨時,由於不同產業間的工作創造率(job creation rate)和工作汰減率(job destruction rate),將令其整體失業率上升。

更進一步地,本研究使用Chow檢定來判斷在特定事件發生時間點上,是否有結構性斷裂(structural break)產生。本文選定兩個時間點:1990第一季,和2002年第一季。前者是台灣繼1949年國民黨政府來台之後,首次恢復與中國的出口貿易的時間點。後者則是台灣加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization)的時間點。如果Dutt et al.的理論符合實證結果,則或該觀測到出口成長率對週期性失業率的邊際影響在此結構斷裂點前後呈現顯著差異。本研究同時採取Quandt Likelihood Ratio (QLR)檢驗,進一步深化Chow 檢定量,以檢測最可能產生結構性斷裂的時間點。本研究得出,1986年是最可能發生結構性斷裂的時間點,該時間點或有許多不同的歷史事件交互影響台灣:日本的泡沫經濟,國際原物料價格的歷史性新低點,以及即將結束的戒嚴戡亂時期。本研究為達一定程度的穩健性,除採用普遍的Hodrick–Prescott過濾法來得出週期性估計數據之外, 為控制季節性因素,同時採取Holt-Winters de-seasonal smoothing方法,得出另一組週期性但考量季節性因素的數據。在Chow檢定、與QLR結果中,兩組數據呈現類似的估計。





日前臺灣國內銀行對於中國企業放款的聯貸案,放款案件數量尚不明確,卻發生數件聯貸案因為面臨借款人倒閉,使臺灣放款銀行陷入了倒帳危機。目前在臺灣對於中國企業放款的類型大致可分為兩種:第一種是臺灣國內銀行透過外國領頭銀行(arranger, agent bank or lead),組成銀行團對中國企業進行聯合貸款(syndicate loan),一旦借款人倒閉,由於無擔保債權的清償順位不及擔保債權,臺灣銀行涉及聯貸案將陷入無法受償情形。此種融資案有日前受人矚目的中國索力鞋業案、旭光案等,近日受矚目的銀行倒債風險案多屬於此類;第二種型為中國企業利用在臺灣發行臺灣存託憑證 (Taiwan depositary receipts, 下略稱TDRs),向臺灣國內承銷存託憑證的金控銀行申請貸款,如中國金衛公司、康師傅頂新集團等。



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