《一萬公里的相遇: 西班牙與台灣相遇370年》
5th Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Young Academics for Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, 2012
◎地點︰Ateneo de Madrid/ Sala de Conferencias(會議廳)
◎地址:C/ Prado, 21. 28014 Madrid.
內容 | 語言 | |
9:20~9:50 | 報到 | |
10:00~12:30 | 媒體與世俗 Media and Secular ‧Kuso – 幽靈性身體 發表人: 史惟筑(法)/里昂第二大學電影博士候選人 | 漢 |
‧科學家和記者 - 台灣案例:一個生物學家和神經科學家對於與走向大眾媒體的態度和經驗調查結果 | 漢 | |
‧世俗主義與德國的頭巾議題 發表人: 林俞利(德)/洪堡大學現代南亞與東南亞研究所碩士生 | 漢 | |
12:30~13:50 | 午餐 | |
14:00~15:00 | 提耶里多登(德)/ 波昂大學藏學家、圖伯特資訊網創辦人之一 | 英 |
15:20~17:50 | 詮釋與權力 Explain and Power (Regime) ‧法蘭西斯.華辛漢、反恐操作與伊莉莎白一世時期派系競爭 發表人:杜宣瑩(英)/約克大學歷史系博士候選人 | 漢 |
‧傅柯遊戲入口 : 虛構、經驗與書 | 漢 | |
‧法律語言之翻譯與轉換: 發表人:黃薇儒(德)/德國杜賓根大學法律學院 碩士生 | 漢 | |
17:50~18:10 | 下午茶 | |
18:10~19:10 | 偽歷史與政權II: 中國 王丹(哈佛大學歷史系博士,六四天安門民運領袖) | 漢 |
2. 漢語發表視現場與會情況(若有西班牙學人參與會議)進行西班牙語現場口譯。
Program of the 5th Annual Conference of the Taiwanese Society of Young Academics for Humanities and Sociences in Europe
2012, Madrid
La 5ª Conferencia Anual de la Sociedad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de los Jóvenes Investigadores Taiwaneses en Europa, 2012
Lugar: Ateneo de Madrid, Sala de Conferencias http://www.ateneodemadrid.com
C/ Prado, 21. 28014 Madrid
Ficha: 16 de marzo, 2012
9:20~9:50 | Arrival / Registration | |
10:00~12:30 | Session 1 Media and Secular ‧Kuso – spectralité d’un corps Weichu, Shih / (France) University of Lumière Lyon II | m-s |
‧Scientists and Journalists – the Taiwanese Case: Results of a Survey of Biologists and Neuroscientists regarding their Experience with and their Attitudes towards the Mass Media | m-s | |
‧Secularism and the headscarf debate in Germany Yu-li, Lin/ (Germany) M.A. Program Modern South and Southeast Asia Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin | m-s | |
12:30~13:50 | Lunch | |
14:00~15:00 | Keynote Speech Thierry Dodin/ (Germany) Director, TibetInfoNet | e |
15:20~17:50 | Session 2 Explain and Power (Regime) ‧Francis Walsingham, Counterplot, and Elizabethan Faction HSUAN-YING, TU / (UK) PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of York, UK | m-s |
‧The entrance of Foucault’s game : Fiction, experience and book Jing-Li HONG/ (France)Currently doctorate of university of Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III. | m-s | |
‧The Transition of Legal Language: A Primary Analysis of the Double Negative Sentences of the Constitution of R.O.C Wei-Ju, Huang/ (Germany) Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | m-s | |
17:50~18:10 | Coffee Break | |
18:10~19:10 | Keynote Speech (For Internet Online talk) False History and the Regime II--- China Dan, Wang/ (USA) Ph.D. in history from Harvard University, leader of the Chinese democracy movement | m-s |
Expression language: e=English, m=Mandarin, S=Spaines